“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White
“ I discovered, to my surprise, that it is possible to be fond of animals without being crazy about them. “
E. B. White