Privacy Policy

The "Privacy Policy" includes the rights that the specialized unit uses with the personal information of lottery participants. In addition, the content of the policy will directly impact the data management, collection, and processing activities.

1.Collection of personal information:

When users access the website, your IP address will automatically register on the server. This address will not disclose any information other than the numbers assigned to you.

The website does not use any technology to obtain user's personal data. The decision will come from the user whether they want to provide it (i.e., automatically fill in the visitor's email address).

2.We use personal information:

We do not use the personal information of participants for purposes other than supporting monitoring the number of visitors to our specialized website. Or in cases of criminal activity or abuse of shared information related to the unit. We will use the information to cooperate with law enforcement agencies.

3.We secure personal information:

All accounts and information of all members participating in the website are secure. However, cybersecurity is not 100% safe. Therefore, we will not be liable for damages unrelated to the unit, if they occur.

4.Sharing information with third parties:

The general operating principle of our website is not to provide information to third parties. Except for specific cases as follows:

  • Users agree for us to update information for third parties.
  • We provide your information to third parties upon legal requests or for crime prevention purposes.
  • Access information is anonymous. We may share this information to understand the groups of customers using our services.

5. Changes to the privacy policy:

Changes to the website's privacy policy will be implemented gradually and in compliance with the legal system of Vietnam. Therefore, all changes will be updated on the official homepage.