Meaning of the quote: Real courage is when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway

Harper Lee’s words, “Real courage is when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway” resonate with readers on a profound level. This quote encapsulates the essence of true bravery, which is not about the absence of fear, but the persistence despite it. In this blog, we will dissect this powerful quote, exploring its deeper meanings and implications.

“Real courage is when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway” mean 

Courage is often misinterpreted as a lack of fear or invincibility. However, Harper Lee redefines it as perseverance in the face of inevitable defeat. This perspective shifts our understanding of bravery from grand heroic acts to everyday struggles and personal battles.

redefines it as perseverance in the face of inevitable defeat - Source: Internet

In life, many challenges seem insurmountable. Whether it’s battling a serious illness, standing up for one's beliefs, or taking a significant career risk, the fear of failure can be paralyzing. Lee's quote encourages us to embrace these challenges, knowing that the true test of courage is the ability to proceed in the face of likely defeat.

The power of persistence

“...but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what.” This part of the quote underscores the importance of persistence. It’s not just about starting a daunting task but committing to it until the end.

Many people start projects or make resolutions, but only a few see them through. The persistence to continue, especially when the going gets tough, is what differentiates the courageous from the rest. It’s about pushing through obstacles and maintaining the resolve to reach the finish line.

Begin with awareness acceptance of potential failure is part of true courage

“...when you know you're licked before you begin...” This phrase highlights a critical aspect of courage: awareness. Recognizing the high likelihood of failure is not a sign of pessimism but realism. It prepares one mentally and emotionally for the journey ahead.

Starting with a clear understanding of the difficulties ahead allows for better preparation and resilience. It’s about entering the fray with eyes wide open, ready to face whatever comes, rather than being blindsided by challenges.

 Inner strength fuels the courage to begin and persist

The ability to “begin anyway” despite knowing the odds requires immense inner strength. This strength comes from self-belief, determination, and a deep sense of purpose.

Inner strength is cultivated through experiences, self-reflection, and often, past failures. It’s about building a reservoir of mental and emotional resources that can be drawn upon in times of need. This inner fortitude is what propels one forward when external circumstances are discouraging.

Inner strength is cultivated through experiences - Source: Internet

Courage in everyday life

Harper Lee’s quote is not just applicable to grand gestures of bravery but to everyday acts of courage. It’s about the single mother working multiple jobs to support her children, the student striving to overcome academic difficulties, or the individual fighting against social injustices.

These daily acts of courage often go unnoticed but are profoundly impactful. They demonstrate that courage is accessible to everyone, regardless of their circumstances. It’s about the small, consistent actions that contribute to larger goals and societal change.

The inspirational impact

Quotes like Harper Lee’s serve as powerful reminders of the strength within each of us. They inspire and motivate individuals to take action despite fears and uncertainties. In a world filled with challenges, such quotes provide the much-needed encouragement to keep going. They remind us that while the path may be difficult, the journey is worthwhile, and the effort is a testament to our strength and character.


Harper Lee’s quote, “Real courage is when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what,” offers a profound insight into the nature of true bravery. It teaches us that courage is about persistence, awareness, inner strength, and the willingness to take action despite knowing the challenges ahead. This perspective not only redefines our understanding of courage but also inspires us to apply it in our daily lives. By embracing these principles, we can navigate life’s challenges with greater resilience and determination, embodying the true spirit of courage that Lee so eloquently describes.

