Dwight L. Moody was one of the most influential evangelists and Christian educators of the 19th century. His work, including his commitment to spreading the Gospel and improving the lives of others, left a lasting mark on Christian education and charity. Below are 35 famous quotes by Dwight L. Moody that reflect his passion for faith, learning, and service.
Top 30+ inspirational quotes by Dwight L. Moody to express a passion and faith

1. The Bible was not given for our information but for our transformation.
Dwight L. Moody emphasized that reading the Bible isn't just about acquiring knowledge, but rather about applying its wisdom to transform our lives. He believed that the true value of Scripture lies in its ability to change hearts and minds, driving us toward a more Christlike life.
2. A man can only be said to be living when he is living for others.
This quote reflects Moody’s deep belief in service to others. True life, according to him, is found in giving and caring for others, whether in your community or in the broader world. Living selfishly does not lead to fulfillment, but serving others enriches both the giver and the receiver.
3. The world has yet to see what God can do with a man fully consecrated to him.
Moody challenges us to imagine the potential of a life entirely devoted to God. He believed that when a person wholeheartedly commits to serving God, the outcomes could be extraordinary and world-changing.
4. If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of itself.
For Moody, the focus should always be on one’s character. Reputation is fleeting, but character is lasting. A good reputation naturally follows from a life lived with integrity, honesty, and commitment to God’s teachings.
5. Faith makes all things possible… love makes all things easy.
Moody saw faith and love as the two driving forces of a Christian’s life. Faith allows us to overcome challenges, while love helps us navigate these challenges with compassion and grace. Love, according to Moody, lightens our burdens and enables us to approach life with kindness.
6. The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.
This paradoxical quote touches on Moody's understanding of human nature. He suggests that temptation, by itself, is not inherently evil, but the more one resists temptation, the more it draws one in. Instead, yielding to temptation and then learning from the experience could offer growth.
7. It is better to say nothing than to talk too much and say the wrong thing.
Moody advises caution in speech. Words have power, and speaking too quickly or recklessly can often lead to regret. Thoughtful, measured words are more valuable than hasty ones.
8. We are told to ‘go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.’ We are not told to go and ‘get people saved,’ but we are told to preach the Gospel.
This statement reinforces the idea that evangelism is about spreading the message of God’s love, rather than forcing conversion. It is about offering the Gospel and letting God do the work in people’s hearts.
9. The measure of a man’s greatness is not the number of servants he has, but the number of people he serves.
According to Moody, greatness is not found in power or wealth, but in humility and service. A truly great person is someone who serves others selflessly, not someone who is served by others.
10. I have had more trouble with myself than with any other man I have ever met.
Moody humbly reflects on the internal struggles that come with personal growth. Self-doubt, sin, and pride are common battles for everyone, and he recognized that overcoming one’s own flaws is often the hardest challenge in life.
11. The world does not need a church that is right on every issue; it needs a church that is right on the main issue.
For Moody, the core message of Christianity—salvation through Christ—was paramount. While doctrinal issues are important, the church’s focus should always be on the central truths of faith.
12. Christians should live in the world, but not be of it.
Moody teaches the balance of being engaged in the world’s activities while maintaining a distinct Christian identity. Christians are called to interact with the world but not to conform to its values and behaviors.
13. A good example is the best sermon.
Moody strongly believed in leading by example. The way Christians live their lives speaks louder than any sermon or words could. Living a Christlike life provides the most powerful testimony to others.
14. Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things that don’t really matter.
Success, in Moody’s view, is not about material gain or worldly recognition. The true measure of success lies in pursuing and achieving things of eternal significance, especially in the context of one’s faith and service to others.
15. God does not expect the impossible from us. He wants us to do what we can do, and He will help us to do what we cannot do.
Moody’s understanding of grace was rooted in the belief that God does not ask us to do the impossible. Instead, God empowers us to achieve what we can, and assists us in overcoming the challenges beyond our strength.
16. You may be the only Bible some people will ever read.
Moody underscores the responsibility of Christians to live out the teachings of the Bible in their everyday lives. Our actions can be a testimony to others, leading them to Christ through the example we set.
17. The best way to do good to yourself is to do good to others.
True self-care, according to Moody, is found in service to others. When you focus on the needs of others, you grow spiritually and emotionally, leading to personal fulfillment.
18. The moment I live for myself, I lose the peace of God.
Moody emphasizes the importance of living for God and others rather than focusing on selfish desires. True peace comes from prioritizing God's will and selfless service.
19. Character is what you are in the dark.
True character is revealed when no one is watching. Moody believed that our actions when we think no one is observing reflect our true nature.
20. If we are to reach the world, we must be on fire for God.
Passion for God is the driving force for spreading His message. Moody believed that without genuine zeal, Christians cannot fully fulfill their mission to reach others.
21. A man who is intimate with God will never be intimidated by men.
Moody saw a strong relationship with God as the foundation of courage and strength. Those who are close to God are emboldened to face challenges and opposition from others.
22. It is better to live in a tent with Jesus than to live in a palace without Him.
Material comforts pale in comparison to the richness of living a life with Christ. Moody believed that the presence of Jesus brings more joy and fulfillment than any worldly luxury.
23. The way to do a great deal, is to keep doing a little.
Small, consistent actions lead to great results. Moody encourages perseverance, reminding us that even small efforts are valuable in the pursuit of larger goals.
24. There is no better evangelist than the person who is willing to do the work of evangelism.
Moody highlights that the most effective evangelists are those who actively engage in the work of spreading the Gospel, rather than just talking about it.
25. The Holy Spirit will meet us where we are, but He will not leave us where He found us.
Moody understood the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. Once we invite the Spirit into our lives, it brings about real and lasting change, moving us from where we are to where God wants us to be.
26. I believe that the moment you cross the line and decide to follow Jesus, it’s going to be the most rewarding thing that you’ve ever done.
For Moody, the decision to follow Christ is life-changing and fulfilling. It's a commitment that yields eternal rewards, both in this life and the next.
27. God never made a promise that was too good to be true.
This is a reminder of God’s faithfulness. Moody believed that God’s promises are always true, no matter how amazing or overwhelming they may seem.
28. You can’t do anything about the past except for the present, and the best way to redeem the past is to use the present for the glory of God.
Moody teaches that while we cannot change the past, we can use our present moments to glorify God, transforming past mistakes into opportunities for growth.
29. The best preparation for the future is to do what you can today.
Focus on the present. Moody encourages us to take action now, as today is the only time we truly have. By doing what we can today, we set ourselves up for a better future.
30. One can give without loving, but one cannot love without giving.
Love naturally leads to giving. Moody understood that when we love, whether it's for God or others, we are moved to serve and offer what we have for their benefit.
31. The world is yet to see what God can do through a man who is totally surrendered to Him.
This reinforces Moody’s belief in the power of full surrender to God. He believed that when we allow ourselves to be fully yielded to God, He can accomplish incredible things through us.
32. I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
Moody urges each of us to take responsibility for the small actions we can make, even if we can’t change the world all at once. Every small step matters.
33. The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.
For Moody, life’s lessons come through experience. To truly understand and grow, one must venture beyond their comfort zone and explore the world.
34. If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.
Moody valued imagination and creativity, understanding that fairy tales and stories shape a child's mind in profound ways.
35. God is not looking for people who are capable, but people who are available.
Availability is key in God’s service. Moody believed that God does not look for perfection, but for those willing to be used for His purposes.
These quotes embody Dwight Lyman Moody’s lifelong commitment to faith, character, service, and evangelism. Each one offers timeless wisdom that challenges us to live with purpose, integrity, and love.