Quotes by Authors starting with C

Most popular “C“ Authors

All 'C' Authors

Authors Profession
C Muthu Palaniappan Author, Speaker
C S Areson Pastor, Author
C S Lewis Novelist, Theologian
C. Elizabeth
C. G. Jung Psychologist, Philosopher
C. Hallman Romance Author
C. J. Langenhoven Poet, Author
C. JoyBell C. Writer, Author
C. S. Forester Novelist, Historical Writer
C. S. Lewis Novelist, Theologian, Literary Critic
C. Toni Graham Author, Poet
C.A.A. Savastano
C.B. Cook Young Adult Author, Fantasy and Superhero Fiction Writer
C.C. Hunter Young Adult Author, Fantasy Writer
C.E.M. Joad Philosopher, Broadcaster
C.G. Drews Young Adult Author, Blogger
C.G. Jung Psychiatrist, Psychoanalyst, Founder of Analytical Psychology
C.J. Carlyon Author, Novelist
C.J. Cherryh Author (Known for science fiction and fantasy novels, including The Foreigner series)
C.J. English Author, Writer
C.J. Hauser Writer, Author
C.J. Mahaney Pastor, Author
C.J. Redwine Young Adult Author, Fantasy Writer
C.J. Sansom Historical Fiction Author
C.L. Brown Author, Speaker
C.M. Rivers Author
C.P. Cabaniss Author
C.P. Snow Novelist, Scientist, Public Servant
C.S Lewis Motivational Speaker
C.S. Goto Author
C.S. Pacat Fantasy Author (Best known for "Captive Prince" series)
C.T. Studd Missionary, Cricketer
C.Toni Graham Author, Unspecified Profession
CA Vikram Verma Author
Caitlin Alifirenka Spiritual Teacher, Author
Caitlin Moran Author, Journalist
Caitlyn Paige Author, Blogger
Caitlyn Siehl Poet, Author
Cal Newport Author, Computer Science Professor (Known for books on productivity, such as Deep Work)
Caleb Brooks Author
Caleb Pinkerton Author
Caleb Turner Author
Caleb Wright Author
Callie Hart Romance Novelist
Calvin Coolidge Novelist
Calvin Coolidge Politician, Lawyer
Calvin Harris DJ, Music Producer, Singer-Songwriter
Calvin W. Allison Author
Cameron Crowe Film Director, Screenwriter, Journalist
Cameron Dane Romance Author
Cameron Dokey Novelist, Young Adult Fiction
Cameron Jace Social Activist
Camialle Saint-Saëns Composer, Pianist, Organist (French composer known for works such as The Carnival of the Animals and Danse Macabre)
Camilla Dorand Author, Motivational Speaker
Camille Claudel Sculptor, Artist
Camille Di Maio Historical Fiction Author
Camille Paglia Cultural Critic, Professor, Author
Camille Pissarro Painter
Cammie McGovern Young Adult Author, Children's Writer
Can Jung Psychologist, Psychiatrist (Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology)
Candace Bushnell Novelist, Journalist (Best known for "Sex and the City")
Candas Jane Dorsey Science Fiction Author
Candice Bergen Actress, Author, Television Producer
Candice Carty-Williams Author
Capote Author (Truman Capote, known for In Cold Blood and Breakfast at Tiffany's)
Capt Tapas Majumdar Military officer, Writer
Captain Jack Sparrow Fictional character
Cara Dee Neuroscientist, Humanitarian
Cardi B Rapper, Songwriter, Actress
Carew Papritz Author, Unspecified Profession
Carey Price Professional Ice Hockey Goaltender
Carina Aguilar Author
Caris Brooke Writer
Carissa Broadbent Fantasy Author, Romance Writer
Carl Bard Motivational Speaker, Author
Carl G. Jung Psychiatrist, Psychoanalyst
Carl Gustav Jung Psychiatrist, Psychoanalyst, Founder of Analytical Psychology
Carl Jung Psychoanalyst (Founder of Analytical Psychology), Psychiatrist
Carl Rogers Psychologist, Psychotherapist (Founder of humanistic psychology and client-centered therapy)
Carl Sagan Astronomer, Astrophysicist, Author, Science Communicator
Carl Sandburg Poet, Historian, Biographer
Carl White Author, Blogger
Carla H. Krueger Author, Novelist
Carlo Mahfouz Author/Philosopher
Carlos A. Rodriguez Pastor, Motivational Speaker
Carlos Barrios Author, Mayan Spiritual Leader
Carlos Castaneda Author, Anthropologist
Carlos Fuentes Novelist, Essayist (One of Mexico's most celebrated authors)
Carlos Hernandez Novelist, Author
Carlos Luiz Zafon Novelist
Carlos Ruiz Zafon Novelist, Best known for "The Shadow of the Wind"
Carlos Ruiz Zafón Novelist (Best known for "The Shadow of the Wind")
Carlos Slim Businessman, Investor, Philanthropist (Formerly the richest person in the world, with interests in telecommunications and various industries)
Carlos Wallace Author, Scientist
Carly Simon Musician
Carmen Rosales Author, Unspecified Profession
Carmine Savastano Historian, Author
Carol Ann Duffy
Carol Burnett Actress, Comedian, Singer, Writer
Carol CC Miller Author