Even the mountains bow, but not for self-absorbed snobs. Oceans part making way, only for those not afraid of storms.
Thought takes you only so far, heart takes you all the way. Thought fails where logic fails, heart keeps beating, way or no way.
Today's crisis is tomorrow's crown,you ain't alive till someone frowns.Today's agony is tomorrow's glory, t's an honor to be called a clown.
When solar radiation strikes ionosphere, earth produces the northern lights. When suffering strikes psychosphere, mind produces heart light.
Yesterday I was a sensible infant,I studied scripture seeking holiness. Today I am a grownass nutter. Only godly gift is love's holy mess.
By saying your religion is the only right religion, you only prove, your religion is the wrong religion.
Logic doesn't make you a good person, love does. Belief doesn't make you a good person, behavior does.
Be a muslim, be a Christian. Be an Atheist, or be a martian!None of these means nothing at all,till we're each other's emancipation.
Personal fiction is a psychological necessity of the individual hence, a right why can't we simply accept it as such!
The Christ I know was a colored arab, who took a stand against intolerance. The Christ I know is the antithesis of christian nationalism.
I am not an atheist, I don't care to be anti-religion. But if you can't tell faith from hate,that right there is hell in action.
All faith is blind faith that's not the problem. All fiction is good fiction,till it turns intolerant.
My holiness is vast as the sky,and deep as the ocean it has place for every faith,but no place for intoleration.
Soul that is kind is soul divine,Mind segregated is most unholy kind.Helping the helpless is holiness alive,Day of the living is day of the divine.
Meditation is good for the elderly, great for adults, even greater for children, and greater still for pregnant women. So, meditate and be well.
Once the humans implode with pride-less awareness, humanity will explode with egalitarian and progressive greatness.
Sitting cross-legged in meditation ain't divinity, standing up bold against injustice is true divinity.
Just like Ramanujan used to have visions of numbers, I have visions of words, that too, in the most socially relevant manner possible.
All notions of order are a myth, only order of the universe is chaos. Expand your sight and you'll realize, there is order in every chaos.
Sense yourself tillyou sense nothing but love.Break yourself till each crack reflectsthe infinity of the heart.
Space may be the final frontier but heart is the first frontier.Unless we first conquer the heart,We'll turn the cosmos into dumpyard.
Being mindful doesn't mean being open to the supernatural, being mindful means being open to the natural.
When the mind is one piece, there will be peace of mind.When the earth is one piece,there will be peace on earth.
Time is a slimy wimy thing,Life is a blessy messy thing.Love is a happy crappy thing,Mind is a mighty fighty thing.
You are never too broken to be fixed,You are never too fixed to be broken.Life is a dance between hurt and heal,Sometimes psycho, sometimes surreal.
Whole human is healthy human,all others are terminally ill.Broken mind leads to broken world,heal the mind and the world will heal.
What the heart doesn't feel, the eyes cannot see.And there is no greater obstacleto vision than rigidity.
Burn the heart in its own fire, drown the heart in its own ocean, so that the heart may emerge purified of its own old dirt and delusions.
There is a land within the lands, which is a land beyond the lands, an interior, past exterior divide, beyond all primitive shenanigans.
Cosmos comes from consciousness, Consciousness comes from cosmos. Conscious life is cosmic life, all else is counterfeit glasnost.
Love of purpose and purpose of love,That's what defines a human being.Being of love and love of being,That's the civilized way of existing.
Detachment is excuse of the spineless, distance is excuse for the dead. Come close, let's get ruined together! Why do you stay afar, obeying the dead!
The art of yoga has nothing to do with bending and twisting your body, and everything to do with unbending your mind.
There is not one but two awareness, one primeval another civilized. Animal awareness prevents death, human awareness preserves life.
Assimilate all, alienate none. Be the unbent explorer of illumination. Be the pilgrim of living piety, celestial passenger you, go find a mirror!
Companies are not to blame, real culprit is consumer idiocy.In a world of unawareness, VR and AR make paralyzed reality.
Serenity stems from simplicity, fear festers in frivolity. Peace stems from patience, insecurity festers in apathy.
If you haven't pondered the futility of life, you haven't lived enough. If you haven't conquered the futility of life, you haven't grown enough.
You don't need to abandon your phone, every era has its basic requirements. But remember just one little thing,Never let gadgets take over awareness.
Life is what happens to the human,Human is what happens to life.Nature is what happens to the animal,Human is the animal rising civilized.
Arise, my friend the world is wailing for kindness, it is wailing for compassion, it is wailing for love.
Live as a messiah or not at all a messiah of compassion a messiah of courage a messiah of conscience.
Shred the labels and rise as a human being a human being of compassion, a human being of kindness, a human being with real psychological freedom.
Light is not light that seeks light goodness is not goodness that seeks advantage virtue is not virtue that seeks reward.
If you are human, you are spiritual, if you are human, you are religious, if you are human, you are alive.
Streets can have speed limit, but not kindness. ATMs can have withdrawal limit, but not compassion - tests can have time limit, but not conscience.
Human is the one who's kind human is the one who's gentle human is the one who's courageous human is the one with conscience ample.
I am not a non-believer. In fact, I am a devout believer, I am a devout believer in God, and I see my God in the humans in each human.
Savior art thou and thy will be done, but only if thou stop groveling in front of the altars of imaginary divinity and act.
It's not enough to be born as a human body, each human must earn his or her admission into the human race with humane actions.
Burying oneself in holy books and traditions, doesn't bring holiness, what does is, losing oneself in the service of others.
Be afraid, be extreme and be absurd - be afraid of losing touch - be extreme in accepting others - and be absurd in serving society.
All the intellect and knowledge in the world turn dim in front of one simple act of love and kindness.
The only kafir or infidel in the world is not the one who does not believe in God, but the one who does not have humanity in their heart.
Only the petty keep tabs on even the tiniest favor they do for others, but the great does favors every step of the way, yet never remembers them.
Only the petty keep count of the good they do for others, but the great does good every step of the way, yet never remembers them.
When someone thanks you for your help, tell them - don't say thanks, instead help others whenever you can and ask them to do the same.
The shallow seeks witness of their good deeds, but those with character seek only to do good with their deeds.
The size of a human heart cannot be measured by money, ancestry or popularity, it can only be measured by love.
I don't care about your religious belief or disbelief, all I care about is your behavior with others.
A true healer is not the one with magical powers, but the one who does everything in their power to help those in need.
If we don't learn to break bread with each other, there'll come a day when none of us will have any bread to break.
A world full of technological advancements but without a single caring heart, is more dead than alive.
Christmas isn't about the decorations,It's about compassion.Hanukkah isn't about the sufganiyot,It's about amalgamation.
If you want to conquer something, conquer hearts, not lands - if you want possessions, possess memories, not materials.
It's the golden glint of a kind heart that nourishes the fabric of society, not the scorching heat of argumentation.
Only the words that you speak with your heart will reach another heart, but those spoken with mere lips will reach nowhere.
A civilized world is built by concerned and caring brothers and sisters, not by cold and indifferent strangers.
I need no throne, I need no kingdom,Human hearts are my heavenly abode. I need no badge, I need no scepter. Reason is my partner, warmth my zip code.
A person of ritual is respected in their own circle, a person of intellect is respected in some circles, a person of love is respected everywhere.
The lower the animal, the more selfish it is higher animals are selfless animals, they are the real humans.
No help is insignificant,No kindness is too puny.With tiny steps we'll humanize the world. When we see every human as family.
Living a secluded life in a monastery, separated from society, is not holiness, it's hysteria. Seclusion doesn't make you holy, kindness does.
Miracle is not turning wine into water, real miracle is to share your last glass of water with someone thirsty.
Substituting stoneage with concrete age is not advancement. Without warmth, logic of concrete is as degrading as the superstition of stone.
If every child grows up watching their parents lend a hand to those in need, all suffering will fade within a century.
Seek neither adventure nor security, seek to alleviate the suffering of others, and you'll have all the joy in the world.
When ignorance was default thinking, magic defined a person's capacity. Real miracle is an act of kindness, nothing is higher and more divine.
We don't need to see eye to eye with everyone, we just need to accept the fact that the world is big enough for more than one pair of eyes.
The very title human is a revolution in itself it's a revolution of love against the atrocities of hate.
It takes very little to make real people smile, but to make self-obsessed egomaniacs happy, even billions fall short.
Make it a habit to feed at least one hungry person in your neighborhood every day, and there won't be any need for soup-kitchens in the world.
Just people taking care of people that's the simple gospel for a happy, healthy and prosperous living.
In a world full of wolves devouring on each other's carcasses, be an elephant with incomparable courage and revolutionary gentleness.
I'll put it to you in simple words. If you can give your hand to some, it doesn’t matter whether you are handsome.
Purpose of charity is not to build a world of charity, purpose of charity is to end the need for charity
Real miracle is an act of kindness, nothing is higher and more divine. When you share happily your last bread, that is holiness most genuine.
Oneness doesn't appear magically out of thin air. It's a journey of a lifetime, the journey of love’s labor.
Happy is not the one who's always chasing pleasure, but one who forgets all pleasure helping another grow.
Moving from childhood to adulthood - that's not growing up. Moving from selfishness to selflessness - that's growing up.
Love the people, lift the people, people are the way. Not your people, not my people, it's all one people.
Make love the driver of all truth, and whether there is consensus of knowledge or not, there'll always be consensus of heart.
Graves are for animals and gutter-crawling worms. Helpers get forever etched upon the fabric of stars.
Biology without selfishness is nothing but a myth. But biology wasted on selfishness is a waste of heartbeat.
Be the glee to those in gloom,Be gentle amidst the genteel.Be the brave amongst the blue,Be the knight amidst them who kneel.
Every being is a beacon to be,All it takes is selfless insanity.To find life outside the self,Is the fulfillment of our humanity.
Mind is only mind when, it is an aid to another mind. Mind that takes pleasure in hate, is not a mind but a baboon's behind.
One dream can deliver our planet from darkness to dawn, the question is, can you persevere past your breaking point for that dream!
Remember, O Mighty Soldiers, destiny has no power over you, for you are the mothers and fathers of destiny.
Everyone can love you when you have everything, but one who loves you when you have nothing, that’s the person who truly cares for you.
For every act of hate on me,I'll give them back ten hugs.But lay a finger on my loved ones,I'll send them back without fingers.
Be invincible - not to weakness, but to defeat. You are defeated only when you think you are defeated.
Be the strength to the weak be the color in their bleak and dismal lives - be the joy which has long gone from their poor existence.
Every high ideal appears utopian to the ordinary masses, until they see it manifesting in front of their own eyes.
Rise as a child, act as a saint and die as a legend and you shall quite naturally live forever as a human being.
Be strong, but don't let that strength blind you to such an extent that you become ignorant of other people's weaknesses.
Be humble to the lowly, and gentle to weak. Be a dinosaur to the phony, and a stone wall to the critic.
Be the ray, without delay, you are the hope for all humanity. You know what the word hope means, hope means human on patrol eternally.
Hope means to take charge,Hope means unsubmission.Hope means to not lose sight,Hope means to cause illumination.
Let the world bathe in your light, let them learn to love in your sight, let them learn to live in your might.
The first principle of social development is, authority doesn't solve a problem, expertise guided by character does.
I am nothing, I am the servant of people, my interest is in benefiting others, my life is their keepsake.
Anybody can draw courage from a hundred people, but when a hundred people draw courage from you, that's greatness.
All abuse power of politics to climb the social ladder. Be the benevolent crook and use it as social leveler.
Tell them a lie big enough, they'll worship you as a sage. Tell them a truth big enough and they'll mock you.
If life had rejected mutation 3 billion years ago, we'd still be crawling around as single cell organism.
Praying to be saved from danger,Ain't no spineless coward I.Let all the dangers hail my way,Each crisis is like a trip to Hawaii.
Give me some sunshine,Give me some rain!Why the hell am I asking you,When I'm the steward of my own reign!
Tears are portal to strength,Insecurity is portal to invincibility.Brood not when you are depressed,Activity alleviates anxiety.
You are the eyeway to illumination,You are the spineway to invigoration.You are the headway to inspiration,You are the heartway to assimilation.
You are the sum of all science,You are the life of all poetry.You are the end to animosity,You are the answer to conspiracy.
Life begins where death ends,Death ends where fear fades.Fear fades where vision reigns,Vision reigns where apathy ends.
Know your roots, know your nature,Step out of your tribal stretcher.You got a mind full of atomic light,Where did you lose your himalayan vigor!
Wield forth your nerves of steel,With your heart soaked in honey.Wield forth your vision valiant,With your feet grounded in humility.
I only have one advice for you, own your life, from head to toe - unapologetically alive and original, not a carbon copy, with second hand woe.
Victorious you are and victorious you will be, as long as in your psyche you can see yourself as victorious.
You can't outsource courage from an imaginary church, messiah or God - you must muster it within yourself.
If we don't foster the courage to speak up and act against discrimination now, then the fall of the entire human civilization is ensured.
Keep your head high and be a shining emblem of courage for those who are too afraid to raise their head.
No matter how many deadly weapons come your way, stand on guard as a fierce and fervent soldier protecting the meek and the innocent.
You say "show me the path out of weakness", I say, "weakness is the path, walk on it daringly and it'll turn into strength".
Each of us must be the maker of modern earth, and for that, three things are needed reason, courage and warmth.
In culture be without walls, in courage be endless, in compassion be senseless, in character be borderless.
You may think your achievements,Are the crown of your life.But it's your failures,That make you shine bright.
Be cautious of those who applaud your accomplishment. And never lose those who walk by you in hopelessness.
Wipe out all concepts, myths, traditions and theories of destiny from your mind, and forge your destiny yourself.
Mistakes you make during your struggles, are not the shame of your life, they are the cornerstones of clarity and conviction.
Today who abandons their family for their entrepreneurial dream, tomorrow will abandon their employees when that dream goes bankrupt.
If you really wanna live big,don't ask yourself,where'll you be in five years;ask instead,where'll you be in 500 years?
Giants are not giants because of their victories, giants are giants because of the defeats to which they didn't submit.
Giants are not giants because of their victories, giants are giants because of the defeats to which they didn't submit.
How dare a person tell a woman, how to dress, how to talk, how to behave! Any being who does that, is no human.
Sooner or later agony is tamedand felicity is sighted again.Sooner or later ominosity crumblesand the glint of gaiety roars again.