The prepared meal is far more appetizing that its raw beginningsthere’s a lot of fight that goes into the happy ending.
Do not pray for help when you are facing adversity. Pray for wisdom, strength, and tenacity so that you can overcome it.
We are survivors. We shall survive again and we shall be the strongest, most gentle people on this earth.
You gotta be strong, you gotta be wiser, you gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger.
Like the most beautiful treasure I have ever seen, she was hidden in the depths of the ocean, waiting for someone to pull her out.
Motherhood makes you stronger even as it makes you weaker. Your new sensitivity is a strength, and you should see it that way.
Sometimes i want to be like the sun, raising above my thoughts, enlightening the landscapes with a clear conviction.
It’s important that we speak up for ourselves, but even more important that we speak up for those who cannot.
Is it weakness that inspires a person to elevate their mind above the crowd and seek a different path? On the contrary, that is strength.
Just as physical events are easier when you train for them, your life and people problems are easier to manage when you train for them.
This life can make you feel depressed,leaving you with so much stress,but all you can do is try your best.
Bullying builds character like nuclear waste creates superheroes. It's a rare occurrence and often does much more damage than endowment.
Pinch of pain gives you tear! Repeat! Pinch of pain gives you strength! Repeat! A pinch of pain gives you strength to overcome the big pain.
Every now and then, someone blames their not being physically strong for their not being able to think of a solution.
Speaking very generally, I find that women are spiritually, emotionally, and often physically stronger than men.
Do you really think this unease will stop me? Or this chaos inside me? It seems like you don’t know me that well after all.
The revolution has no leader, I said. It was more like a raging wild horse that would buck anyone who tried to mount it against its will.