Like any foundation, antifragility requires continued care to remain resilient to new hazards, which constantly emerge to erode it.
Developing antifragility means focusing on the amplitude and nature of potential consequences, not the probability.
The more you practice thinking on your feet and the more you prepare for future scenarios, the better you get at improvising when they arise.
It's crazy, how similar we are. Here's both of us, working through our stuff, trying to make something positive out of something really bad.
The ultimate disruption would be an existential event so catastrophic that it leads to the extinction of humanity.
Keep reading outside of your comfort zone. If you’re a fiction junkie, read biography. All writers should read poetry.
Loving ourselves calls us to give up the illusion that we can control everything and focuses us on building our inner resource of resilience.
I write differently from what I speak, I speak differently from what I think, I think differently from the way I ought to think, and so it all proceeds into deepest darkness.
Rejoicing is grounded in gratitude, with a keen appreciation for yourself, others, your abundance, and the beauty around you.
I will not be another flower, picked for my beauty and left to die. I will be wild, difficult to find, and impossible to forget.
Jesus does not suffer so as to exclude your suffering. He bears a cross, not that you may escape it, but that you may endure it.
The net that catches me when I confront traumatic events is that 10,000 years from now, they will be a reason for rejoicing.
After reaching an easy path, the walking stick should not be discarded, for there might come difficult paths again ahead.
No one in my usual circle of acquaintances would have made it this far without a Xanax and an emergency call to their therapist.
When you learn to smile in the face of adversity it begins to feel much less like adversity and more like a challenge.
Maybe the meantime has always been my time. Maybe this was the trajectory predestined in the stars, if you believe in that sort of thing.