It does not make sense if everyone has nearly similar strengths in a team. Different shades of grey do not make the picture more colourful.
Our beliefs can paralyze our thinking abilities. The stronger the belief, the more severe the paralysis.
The evolution path is an extrapolation of available scenarios. Once the scenarios change, the evolution path also needs to change.
Every organization has a different evolution path because their settings and scenarios are different from that of their competitors.
It is very unprofessional for a professional to declare another professional an unprofessional without professional expertise.
Customer complaints are like open wounds. Don’t let them remain open for long. It might be a wound on the finger, but the body is still yours.
Do your systems have a single-way valve, allowing mistakes to happen but not allowing them to correct mistakes gracefully?
The human mind is an open-source network of many complex softwares working together; anyone can malfunction it if our logic filters are clogged.
You don’t need a master's degree to understand emotions and relations. Humanity is an innate qualification.
You might have understood fashion. But, I have already understood life; understanding fashion will be easy.
Materialism can be confusing and misleading at times. Spiritualism is relatively more straightforward. You see the colors of the world as they are.
Life is not always fair but be sure to suffuse it with smiles because life is more unfair to sad people.
What do you call a person who repeatedly tries to influence the outcome of those issues that do not even concern him?
A wise person knows that there are always two choices available in any conversation - agreement and agreement.
Happiness is a state of mind when you feel gratitude for what you have and do not crib over the things you don’t.
As long as we keep our anger enveloped in an ego balloon, it will perennially face the threat of bursting.
Direction becomes important when standing at the crossway. Walking in random directions will not lead to the destination.
If the person is intelligent, an explanation is not required. If he is a fool, an explanation won’t work.
Everything is a part of a process in this universe. Failure too is part of the process called success.
We have been so used to dumping our garage with junk, but our mind is not as big as our garage. We need space to process the new, so delete the old.
Earth may appear insignificant in the whole Universe, but it is the most beautiful and significant planet.
Your real investment for the future is not in banks but in your skills. How much are you investing in your new skills.?
Check the polarity of your mind filters; they should be filtering in the positive energy and filtering out the negative energy.
Have you ever tried to create a balance sheet of your energies? Positive energy is your asset and negative energy is your liability.
Some people wake up in the morning and start gathering negativity, and then they distribute it to the people around them for the rest of the day.
To the alien's eyes, all humans look the same. We only know how different we are from each other by virtue of our perspectives.
The size of the box does not matter. It's how you fit things into it that demonstrates its capacity. Now, imagine your life is a box.
The art is about the artist, not the audience. If the audience has not understood the art, it's simply not for them.
I think my wife is the most beautiful lady in the world, and my wife thinks I am the biggest idiot in the world.
Common sense has a direct correlation with social acceptability. Higher the common sense, more the friends.
You could get traction from someone, and someone else could get the traction from you. It all depends on what we are chasing.
The outcome of a day with white spaces is far greater than a packed day extending to long working hours.
Choose to look at the things which can create positive energy for you because negativity is penniless, and positivity is priceless.
It does not matter if we do not have an immediate answer. What matters is if we have the right question.
Our thoughts have the energy to light the candle and burn the hand. It all depends on how we handle them.
We aim to produce more in less time, but we end up choosing multitasking as a solution, and that's where we fail.
When problems become greater than the growth rate of solutions, only radical changes can make the difference.
Our mind is a powerful processing machine with a small storage capacity. Save the positive thoughts, delete the negatives.
If you are upset by someone's behaviour, this only means that you have to work on yourself before you try to correct the other person.
If we elect the same corrupt politicians every time, that's an obvious message that we don't want a change.
Every time the industry lobbies will resist change, a passionately-insane person will create a technological disruption.
Every person, organization and society faces challenges; how we deal with those challenges defines our success.
Business is not about hard negotiations. It's about mutually exploring a point of intersection where both parties find their objectives meeting.
In an unprofessional organization, only a few employees are trust-worthy. In a professional organization, every employee is trustworthy.
Change is an integral part of the evolution process. If evolution can't be paused, how can we stop the change from happening?
Our future success is directly proportional to our ability to understand, adapt and integrate new technology into our work.
We all are getting obsolete every passing day. We can’t replace our hardware, but we can certainly upgrade our software.
If change is magic, then the process is the magician. Can we expect the magic to happen without a magician?
When you meet a tiger face to face, running and climbing won’t work. Why not sit with him and indulge in some laughter?
Someday, someone will create a better version of your work. Progress does not wait for you to catch up.
The personality of the leader penetrates into the company’s culture. Longer the leadership, the deeper the penetration.
Every human is sitting on a time bomb. Technological explosions can happen anytime and will change everyone’s life forever.
Evolution by nature is cruel; it is so hungry for progress that it can eat a whole species for dinner.
Evolution is the floating bridge on turbulent waters. Any time an organization misses a change step, it will face extinction.
The fireworks of evolution have started a chain reaction organizations can't afford to stay in a frozen state anymore.
As technology progresses, the amount of unlearning increases proportionally to the amount of learning.
If something cannot be proved scientifically, it only means that science is not yet fully equipped in that field.
The pace of technological developments is accelerating, and we are no more chasing a dear; instead, a tiger is chasing us.
By changing our thoughts, we can control our actions. The reverse is equally true - by changing our actions, we can control our thoughts.
Change can be reversed, but evolution only moves forward and once it moves forward, it can never be reversed.
The rate of adaptation to change in response to the evolutionary forces increases incredibly when everyone in the organization gets aligned.
Agreeability is the ability of a person to understand a different perspective and accept it gracefully.
When a self-centered person looks at the world through the lens of his perspective, he finds himself victimized by every person around him.
A progress zone is a silver ring right outside your comfort zone where you feel comfortable even during uncomfortable circumstances.
Change is painful because we are altering the old. Evolution is a pleasure because we are creating the new.
Conflicts create friction. Use the friction only to create a spark to trigger an idea, not burn relationships.
Despite technological advancements, beliefs will continue to be part of our mental state, which will continue to create multiple perspectives.
Despite technological advancements, there will never be a moment in the life of the human species where we would know everything.
Everything we know today was unknown yesterday, and everything unknown today will be known tomorrow. We know so much, yet so much is unknown.
Though the world is the same, the lens of perspective creates a different world for different people.
If the earth is a hotel, our life is just about the time we spend in a hotel between check-in and check-out.
Evolution is relative, we can’t disintegrate our evolution with technology. Both need to evolve together.
People, circumstances and technology can never be perfect. Accepting this fact can make you a happy person.
Systems are static, but people are dynamic. When leaders design systems to evolve people, bureaucracy is born.
A comfort zone is a place where we feel safe and comfortable to work. Larger the comfort zone, the better it is.
We live in a dynamic world where technology evolves faster than people, and people evolve faster than the systems.
Changing perspective is as important as building one because circumstances change, as do the facts and people.
You can't grab every opportunity. Understanding which opportunity to grab and which one to pass is risk management.
Your emotional energy is a function of what you are trying to extract from the present moment perfection or happiness?
A fool is only a fool until he keeps his foolishness with him. When he starts influencing others, he is no longer foolish. He is now dangerous.
If you can’t make it perfect, make it the best possible version within the coordinates of your abilities.
We spend 80% of our efforts perfecting 20% of our work. Perfection boosts your ego, not your happiness.
Productivity has less to do with the number of hours you work and more to do with the additional energy you bring in the following day.
The recycled bricks of the past will not create a robust building for the future. We need new approaches to construct the future.
The irony is that we screw up our present moment in the desire to secure our future, but when we fail, we blame the past.
Art has two dimensions. Creative skills and creative intelligence. When both come together, a masterpiece is created.
Creating sustainable human energy systems is a new competitive advantage for companies operating in fast-changing environments
Change resistance is inversely proportional to our energy levels. The lower the energy, the higher the resistance
In a world full of clutter, intelligence is defined as our ability to distinguish between what we need and what we need to discard
Our mind is a scanning machine: What are we scanning right now? Positivity or negativity? Happiness or imperfection?