Don't pretend to be what you're not, instead, pretend to what you want to be, it is not pretence, it is a journey to self realization.
There are better people in the world, do not let the worst do the worst to you, you deserve the best in life.
The green earth is a symbol of hope.Walk on it like you are going somewhere, even when you are going nowhere.
Don't let the disappointments of today kill tomorrow's blessings, destroy the negative flashes of pessimism, and focus on the mirror of optimism.
Butterflies are not called butterflies overnight.They have to undergo tons of changes in order to acquire that name.
Keep your innocence and ignorance aside, and expose yourself to dangerous situations, and understand the deeper secrets of life.
It is better to lock up your heart with a merciless padlock, than to fall in love with someone who doesn't know what they mean to you.
Art supersedes knowledge written in books. Art is the muse. Art is magic settling upon your he[art] like dust.
Go higher and higher, until it becomes impossible to bring you down, I wanna use a microscope to locate you, don't even dream of coming down.
Anything that comes your way by force was not meant for you. Everything that locates you on it's own was yours and will be yours forever.
There's a big difference on being wise and being crafty. The former is the attribute of God, and the latter is that of Satan.
Merry hearts are vulnerable to death, don't be over-joyed to the state of oblivion, lest the enemy poison your meal.
Always remember that you were once alone, and the crowd you see in your life today are just as unecessary as when you were alone.
Trying to please everybody is what you'll soon get tired of, because as time goes on, those you're pleasing will get tired of you.
Success and failure can both make you lose appetite and concentration, don't let it bother or over-excite you, just think them away as a mere thing that had just happened, and get along with your life.
If you truly want to be respected by people you love, you must prove to them that you can survive without them.
Life flows easily when you have had laughter for breakfast; meditation for lunch; and nature walk for dinner.