Quotes by Kiera Van Gelder

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“ Just being with my feelings was like being possessed. I didn't need mindfulness I needed an exorcism. “
-Kiera Van Gelder-

Just being with my feelings was like being possessed. I didn't need mindfulness I needed an exorcism.

Introducing Kiera Van Gelder

Kiera Van Gelder is an artist, writer, educator, and mental health advocate, renowned for her memoir, The Buddha and the Borderline: My Recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder through Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Buddhism, and Online Dating

Van Gelder chronicles her personal journey with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), detailing her experiences with dialectical behavior therapy, Buddhism, and online dating as avenues toward recovery.  

She is featured in the documentary "Back from the Edge: Living with and Recovering From Borderline Personality Disorder" and has served on the board of NAMI's Consumer Council as the Massachusetts representative. With over 27 years of continuous sobriety from drug and alcohol addiction through Twelve Step programs, Van Gelder is a survivor who believes that recovery is a lifelong process.