Creative thinking encompassed by the word of God infuses into you the divine ability to turn the seemingly ugly situation around.
You are addressed by the way you dress. Your attire reflects your sense of value or taste and of course, your speech either makes or mars you.
Have you realized that today is the tomorrow you talked about yesterday? It is your responsibility to change your life for the better.
Fighting an effect while nourishing and cherishing the cause in your heart is one sure way of falling flat on your face! Fight the cause!
your right standing with God and your connection to Him remains your strongest defense in the day of calamity.
Everyone that enters through Him is secured and the person shall find pastures for himself. Jesus really cares!
The Prince came to give life unto those whose lives were almost being snuffed out by the devil via the cares of this world.
It doesn't matter how wealthy you may be in material things, what matters is do you know what to do with those wealth?
God comes down in the evenings to chat with man, enjoy man's company and find out how man faired in the course of the day.
We cannot prevail by our own might or strength, we need to plug on to the source of our strength so that we will remain resourceful always.
The presence of God is so important in the life of believers. There is abundance of all you need to make your life comfortable in His presence.
A strong man does not succumb to pressures, he knows that without pressures he will not find pleasures and so he will not be made.
The choice is yours. Don't let your pronouncements destroy your destiny rather let them build your future up!
You are not permitted to live and die as a non-entity because you have encountered the greatness that is associated with Christ.
The presence of the Lord destroys a life of struggle. You will struggle until you encounter His presence.
Your mouth is not given to you for feeding alone; it is given to you to programme events and circumstance around you.
God is never tired of bringing the sun out every morning, taking it in the evenings and bringing out the moon.
Dare to be different. Represent your maker well and you will forever abide in the beautiful embrace of his loving arms.
Friendship is like a walk in the wood; you may not know the terrain too well or even know where you are headed yet you enjoy it all the same!