Have no delusions of grandeur or plotting schemes. Have flawless confidence because you are worthy and sacred.
The way is not narrow. It’s wide. Everyone is welcome. However, we have to know that we are welcome or we keep the door shut ourselves.
Forgiving is easier when we understand that forgiving someone else means that we are freeing ourselves of an unnecessary burden.
The threads of interconnectedness are complex. They are both fragile and unbreakable. One must be grateful for destiny’s gifts along the way.
Grace is a gentle thing. Easily destroyed by selfishness, envy, ill will, and fear. Easily invited by kindness, hope, forgiveness, and love.
The greatest joy of partner dancing is difference. You feed off each other and make the other better and more than we can be on our own.
Everything beautiful and powerful is high risk. Along the way, we gain patience and perseverance by accepting life's ebb and flow, ups and downs.
If love isn't there, nothing will grow. If it is, there is always hope and it will win in the end. Love is vital and sacrosanct.
The desire for connection with the Divine and our formless inner self is at the foundation of all desire for human connection.
You blame others to save attacking yourself. Neither is necessary. You are not as you think and nor is anyone else.
Although family dinners can be a good way for people to connect, they can also be the reason for a great deal of heartburn.
We have to be as strong as we are sensitive, as intelligent as we are feeling, and as logical as we are creative.
In any area of life, the one thing that inspires fearless devotion in followers is devotion from the leader.
We are drawn to people who change us. Not change us into less of ourselves but into something we cannot be in our own solitary worlds.
Part of growing up involves becoming estranged from one’s birth family. If the family romance is not broken, one never truly grows up.
Faith changes us - faith in something intrinsically good, something other than ourselves, something bigger than ourselves.
It takes courage to tread one’s own course, but only at the beginning of each new stage. We hope that we are safe but we are not yet sure.
It is only when we are far enough along to realise the sorry state that most people are in that we lose our concern with what other people think.
If one holds back from life’s joys for fear of their ending, one will miss out on the best parts of life.
Believe in yourself and your loves. Say what you have inside you. Say it bravely, and say it with good intent.
Courage is the starting point of everything good. To love another is to automatically feed the fire of courage.
There is a depth to life which only comes from our connection to other people. However, we have to find it without becoming a prisoner.