Quotes by David Radin
Introducing David Radin
David Radin is a name associated with multiple notable individuals. One such individual is Yoshin David Radin, born in 1946 into a seventh-generation Lithuanian rabbinical family in New York City.
After attending Cornell University and traveling extensively, he shifted his focus from pursuing law to joining a hippie commune. In 1976, he began studying Zen under Joshu Sasaki Roshi and was ordained as a monk in 1982. By 1989, he became an Oshō, receiving the name Yoshin, meaning "Light of the Heart-Mind."
In 1978, he founded the Ithaca Zen Center, which he later relocated to Spencer, New York, in 1987, where he continues to give Dharma talks. Yoshin David Radin is also an author, having written "A Temporary Affair: Talks on Awakening and Zen," and a contributor to Tricycle magazine.
He currently resides in Spencer, NY, with his wife Marcia, a Zen Buddhist nun. Another David Radin is a marketing professional and the president of Marketing Masters since 1990. He has designed and executed strategic marketing programs for prominent companies in the computer industry, including Apple, WordPerfect, Hewlett Packard, Logitech, Corel, SCO, and Dell.