One must work and dare if one really wants to live quote meaning


A Story of Working and Daring to Live

Once, in a bustling city filled with tall skyscrapers and crowded streets, lived a young man named Thomas. Thomas was an accountant at a large firm, spending his days crunching numbers and filling out spreadsheets. Despite having a stable job, he felt unfulfilled. Each day was a routine, and he longed for something more. Deep inside, he had a passion for photography. He would spend hours scrolling through photographs of distant places, dreaming of traveling the world and capturing its beauty through his lens.

However, Thomas was afraid. The thought of leaving his secure job to pursue photography seemed reckless and impractical. He worried about what his family and friends would think, and he feared the possibility of failure. His camera remained on the shelf, gathering dust, as his dream of becoming a photographer seemed to fade away.

One evening, after another long day at the office, Thomas stumbled upon a quote by Vincent van Gogh: "One must work and dare if one really wants to live." These words struck a chord with him. He realized that he had been living his life in fear, avoiding risks and playing it safe. Inspired by the quote, Thomas decided that it was time to take a chance. He could no longer ignore his passion.

Thomas began by working on weekends and evenings, going out into the city with his camera to take photographs. He captured the essence of everyday life the smiles of children playing in the park, the sunset over the river, and the vibrant energy of the city streets. With each click of the shutter, he felt a sense of freedom and purpose he had never felt before.

Encouraged by his growing portfolio, Thomas decided to take a bolder step. He took a three-month leave of absence from his job to travel across Europe, where he could further explore his passion. With a mix of excitement and fear, he set out on his journey. He visited small villages in Italy, the vast landscapes of Scotland, and the bustling markets of Spain. Thomas dared to step outside of his comfort zone, capturing the world through his lens with a newfound sense of wonder and creativity.

During his travels, Thomas faced many challenges. There were days when he struggled to find the perfect shot, and times when he felt lonely and unsure of his path. But he continued to push forward, remembering van Gogh's words. He learned to embrace the unknown, to work hard despite the setbacks, and to dare to follow his passion.

One must work and dare if one really wants to live. Source: Internet

One must work and dare if one really wants to live. Source: Internet

When Thomas returned home, he organized a small exhibition of his work in a local gallery. To his surprise, the exhibition was a great success. People admired his photographs, praising the emotion and authenticity captured in each shot. A local magazine featured his work, and he even received offers to collaborate on projects. Thomas realized that by daring to pursue his passion and working hard to refine his skills, he had found a new path, one that was both fulfilling and exciting.

Understanding the Meaning of the Quote

Vincent van Gogh’s quote, “One must work and dare if one really wants to live,” speaks to the idea that life is meant to be lived with purpose and courage. Van Gogh, a renowned painter who faced many hardships throughout his life, understood that to truly live, one must be willing to take risks and put in the effort to achieve their dreams. The quote encourages us to go beyond simply existing and to engage actively with life’s challenges and opportunities.

To “work” in this context means to apply oneself diligently and persistently towards a goal or passion. It is not enough to dream or wish for something; one must put in the effort, face the difficulties, and strive to improve. This kind of work is not just about earning a living but about finding and following a calling that brings joy and fulfillment.

To “dare” means to take risks, to venture into the unknown, and to face fear with courage. Daring is essential because it allows us to break free from the constraints of comfort and familiarity. It pushes us to explore new possibilities and grow beyond our perceived limitations. Daring to live is about embracing uncertainty, stepping out of our comfort zones, and pursuing our true passions despite the potential for failure.

Van Gogh himself exemplified these principles. He dared to pursue art despite facing poverty, rejection, and mental illness. He worked tirelessly to develop his unique style and voice, leaving behind a legacy that continues to inspire millions. His life was a testament to the power of working hard and daring to follow one’s passion.

The Lesson Learned

The lesson from this quote is clear: to truly live, we must be willing to work hard for what we love and dare to take risks. Life is not about avoiding challenges or staying within the confines of what is safe and familiar. It is about pushing ourselves to achieve more, to grow, and to find fulfillment in what we do. By working diligently and daring to pursue our passions, we can lead a more meaningful and satisfying life.

From Thomas's story, we learn that our fears and doubts can hold us back, but by taking a chance and putting in the effort, we can discover new paths and opportunities. The journey may not always be easy, and there will be obstacles along the way, but it is through these experiences that we truly learn what it means to live.

To truly live, we must be willing to work hard for what we love and dare to take risks. Source: Internet

To truly live, we must be willing to work hard for what we love and dare to take risks. Source: Internet


Vincent van Gogh’s words remind us that life is meant to be lived with passion, effort, and courage. If we want to experience life fully, we must be willing to work for our dreams and dare to take the risks necessary to achieve them. We must move beyond the fear of failure or judgment and embrace the adventure of living authentically and purposefully.

So, take inspiration from van Gogh and the story of Thomas. Work hard, dare greatly, and in doing so, truly live. Remember, life is too short to be held back by fear or complacency. It is time to work, dare, and make the most of every moment.


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