Meaning of the quote: The morning wind spreads its fresh smell. We must get up and take that in, that wind that lets us live

The morning wind spreads its fresh smell. We must get up and take that in, that wind that lets us live.
-Pablo Neruda-


Pablo Neruda, the celebrated Chilean poet, penned a line that transcends the realm of mere words. "The morning wind spreads its fresh smell. We must get up and take that in, that wind that lets us live." This evocative quote isn't just a call to appreciate a pleasant breeze; it's a potent metaphor for seizing the opportunities and energy that a new day offers. Let's delve deeper into this powerful message and explore how it can transform our approach to life.

1.The morning wind spreads its fresh smell. We must get up and take that in, that wind that lets us live meaning

The "morning wind" in Neruda's verse symbolizes the dawn, a clean slate, a chance to begin anew. Each sunrise presents an opportunity to shed the burdens of yesterday and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead. It's a powerful reminder that regardless of the challenges we faced the previous day, we have the agency to choose how we approach the present moment. The "fresh smell" evokes a sense of rejuvenation, a world cleansed by the night's slumber and ready to be experienced with renewed senses.

Morning wind lets you know you live - Source: Internet

2.Blowing the new energy in the morning

Neruda doesn't simply paint a picturesque scene; he issues a compelling directive - "We must get up and take that in." This line is a nudge to break free from the inertia of comfort and actively engage with the vivifying energy of the morning. It's a call to action that transcends the literal. It urges us to step outside our routines, to be present in the moment, and to savor the life-affirming potential that each new day holds.

3.The life giving breath

The act of "taking in" the wind isn't just about appreciating the scent; it's a metaphor for consciously inhaling the energy that the day offers. Just as a deep breath fills our lungs with oxygen, the act of actively engaging with the morning invigorates our spirits and prepares us to face the day with renewed vigor.

This concept resonates with the ancient practice of Pranayama in yoga, where controlled breathing techniques are used to channel life force (prana). Similarly, Neruda suggests that by consciously immersing ourselves in the morning's vibrancy, we draw in the life-giving essence of the new day.

4.Beyond the literal: Embracing new experiences

The call to "take in" the morning wind can be interpreted more broadly. It encourages us to be open to new experiences, to embrace challenges with a sense of curiosity, and to find joy in the simple act of being alive. Stepping outside our comfort zones, like trying a new activity or venturing into unfamiliar territory, can be invigorating and life-affirming. Just as the morning wind carries unknown scents and whispers, so too do new experiences offer the potential for unexpected delights and personal growth.

And wind blowing let you discover the new place - Source: Internet

4.1.Finding beauty in the mundane

Neruda's message isn't just for those who have the luxury of grand adventures. The beauty of the quote lies in its universality. The "morning wind" can be the gentle breeze through your window as you wake up, the crisp air on your walk to work, or even the aroma of your morning coffee. The key is to be present and appreciate the simple joys that each day offers.

4.2.Cultivating a morning ritual

Integrating a morning ritual that allows you to "take in" the day's energy can be transformative. This could be anything from mindful meditation to spending a few minutes in nature, journaling, or simply focusing on your breath with gratitude. By consciously carving out this space, you set the tone for the day and prime yourself for a more positive and productive experience.


Neruda's quote offers more than just a pretty picture; it presents a philosophy for living. By embracing the invigorating spirit of the morning, we cultivate a sense of gratitude for the gift of a new day and the potential it holds. It's a call to be present, to be open to new experiences, and to find joy in the simple act of breathing. So, the next time you wake up, take a moment to step outside, breathe deeply, and "take in" the life-giving force of the morning. You might just find that it transforms your entire day.


Meaning of the quote: The sun is new each day

Meaning of the quote: The sun is new each day

"The sun is new each day." is deceptively simple. On the surface, it describes a natural phenomenon – the daily rising of the sun. Yet, beneath this seemingly mundane statement lies a profound insight into the very nature of existence.
