Meaning of the quote: The morning steals upon the night, melting the darkness

The morning steals upon the night, melting the darkness.

-William Shakepspeare-

William Shakespeare, the Bard of Avon, was a master of weaving evocative imagery into his plays. A single line could paint a vivid picture, evoke a powerful emotion, or even hint at a deeper meaning. Today, we delve into a particularly beautiful line from his final play, The Tempest: "The morning steals upon the night, melting the darkness."

On the surface, this quote is a simple description of daybreak. Yet, upon closer examination, Shakespeare cleverly employs figurative language to imbue the line with a richness that goes beyond the literal. Let's dissect this quote and explore the layers of meaning it holds.

1.The morning steals upon the night, melting the darkness meaning

The first striking aspect is the personification of morning. Instead of simply stating "morning comes," Shakespeare uses the verb "steals." This imbues dawn with a sense of agency, suggesting it creeps up on the unsuspecting night.

Melting when the dawn - Source: Internet

1.1.The stealthy approach

The choice of "steals" also introduces an element of subterfuge. Is dawn a thief, robbing the night of its dominion? Or perhaps a gentle visitor, arriving subtly without fanfare? This ambiguity adds a layer of intrigue to the image.

1.2.Melting the darkness

The phrase "melting the darkness" is particularly powerful. Darkness isn't simply pushed back; it's actively melted away by the encroaching light. This imagery evokes a sense of transformation, where the stark contrast between night and day is softened by the gentle transition.

1.3.Light and dark in Shakespeare

Light and darkness are recurring themes throughout Shakespeare's work. Light often represents order, clarity, and reason. Darkness, on the other hand, can symbolize chaos, confusion, and the unknown. Here, the melting of darkness by light can be interpreted as the triumph of reason over confusion, or the restoration of order after a period of chaos.

And the difference between light and dark - Source: Internet

2.Contextualizing the quote

The quote appears in Act V of The Tempest, spoken by the character Prospero, a powerful magician. Prospero has just broken a magical spell that clouded the minds of his enemies. The quote, then, can be seen as a metaphor for the dawning of clarity after a period of delusion.

It's also interesting to note that The Tempest is a play heavily influenced by the idea of illusion and reality. The lines between what is real and what is imagined blur throughout the play. Here, the "stealing" dawn and "melting" darkness could be interpreted as a reminder that even the most powerful magic eventually fades with the light of day, revealing the truth beneath the illusion.

2.1.Beyond the Play: Universal Themes

While the quote holds specific meaning within the context of The Tempest, it also resonates on a universal level. The transition from night to day is a daily occurrence, a cycle that has been repeated since the beginning of time. Shakespeare's evocative imagery captures the essence of this transition, reminding us of the constant ebb and flow of light and dark in our lives.

2.2.Light as hope

The melting of darkness can symbolize the triumph of hope over despair. Just as dawn brings an end to the night, so too can difficult times give way to brighter days. The quote serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of nights, there is always the promise of a new beginning.

2.3.The power of imagery

Shakespeare's genius lies in his ability to use simple words to paint complex pictures and evoke a range of emotions. This single line, with its vivid imagery and metaphorical language, encapsulates the beauty and power of nature, the triumph of reason, and the enduring hope that dawn brings.

3.The enduring power of words

Even centuries after being written, Shakespeare's words continue to resonate with readers and audiences. The beauty of the language and the depth of the imagery ensure that this line, and countless others from his work, will continue to be studied, analyzed, and appreciated for generations to come.


"The morning steals upon the night, melting the darkness" is a testament to Shakespeare's mastery of language. This seemingly simple sentence holds layers of meaning, prompting us to contemplate the power of nature, the battle between light and dark within ourselves, and the enduring hope for a brighter tomorrow. The next time you witness the sunrise, take a moment to appreciate the beauty and symbolism captured in this timeless quote.

