Never mix negative thinking with negative people. Multiplying negatives, in this instance, won't make a positive.
At the end of each day, as you prepare for the next, take an inventory of your life, your thoughts and where you’re headed.
A better business model that expands your autonomy and availability is the best Christmas present you can gift your family this year.
It’s illogical to think that a life lived at the sacrifice of priorities will one day show up as a prioritized life.
Do you have a personal mantra? Mine comes from a childhood song."Wherever I go the grass grows greener.
When faced with fear, embrace the idea that the goal beyond the goal is bigger than your fear of change.
You can’t change and be somebody else in the future unless you start becoming a little better at being that future person today.
What’s stopping you from moving forward? The need to be certain. Certainty is prison. Break free and you’ll be free.
It all starts with a tiny, stupid idea, then one thing leads to another, and suddenly, you find something amazing: yourself.
Inspiration comes from within yourself. One has to be positive. When you're positive, good things happen.
Success is not what you do compared to what others do. Success is what you do compared to what you are capable of doing.