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Quotes about Diplomacy
“ Diplomacy is the art of finding common ground amid diversity. “
-Hugh Elliot-
Diplomacy is the art of finding common ground amid diversity.
The goal of diplomacy is to create lasting bonds of peace and cooperation.
Diplomatic efforts should aim to build lasting alliances.
Diplomacy is the key to unlocking peaceful resolutions.
The goal of diplomacy is lasting peace, not temporary advantage.
Diplomatic solutions are often the most enduring.
Diplomacy requires the patience to listen and the wisdom to act.
Diplomacy seeks to understand before seeking to be understood.
Diplomatic efforts must aim for lasting peace and mutual respect.
Successful diplomacy bridges the gap between conflicting interests.
The essence of diplomacy is understanding and compromise.
Diplomacy is the art of building bridges, not walls.
Diplomacy is the bridge that connects diverse cultures and interests.
Negotiation requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to compromise.
Peace is often achieved through dialogue, not dominance.
The goal of diplomacy is to foster peace and cooperation among nations.
Diplomacy is the art of building bridges where none seemed possible.
Successful diplomacy is grounded in mutual respect and understanding.
The art of diplomacy lies in finding common ground amid discord.
Diplomacy is the pursuit of harmony and mutual benefit.