Quotes by Taro Okamoto

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“ Strength is seeing yourself as you are. “
-Taro Okamoto-

Strength is seeing yourself as you are.

Introducing Taro Okamoto

Taro Okamoto (1911–1996) was a prominent Japanese artist and sculptor known for his vibrant and dynamic style, blending traditional Japanese elements with Western modernism. Born in Osaka, he was influenced by surrealism and studied at the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. His notable works include the Tower of the Sun, created for the 1970 World Expo in Osaka, which reflects his themes of nature, mythology, and the human experience. Okamoto believed in the interconnectedness of all life and critiqued Japan's rapid modernization, advocating for a balance between tradition and modernity. His legacy continues to shape contemporary art in Japan, with his works displayed in museums worldwide, including the Taro Okamoto Memorial Museum of Art in Tokyo.