Even if ninety-nine percent of what you discover is later proven wrong, it is the one percent that is right that matters.
Kindness is researching the biological harm of environmental radiation on a global population of over seven billion people.
Cheating seems like such a hard life when you can be loyal and faithful and live out your life in happiness!
I have a cellphone I rarely use. I use a wired ethernet computer to video chat and email family and friends.
If you are a sea level adapted human and your employer requires you to sleep at high altitude, you should change jobs as soon as possible.
Professional astronomers have been flying under the law enforcement RADAR and it is time for that to change.
The only thing I saw change in my area during the Trump administration was the installation of biologically toxic 5G transmitters.
If your doctors are in the habit of prescribing drugs that are doing you no good, then it is time to change your doctors.
Climate change will result in mass migrations of humans out of areas that can no longer sustain life and into naturally abundant areas.
Climate change is in the process of turning the most powerful category 5 hurricanes into future category 6 supermassive hurricanes.
Positive change does not come from the meek, it comes from the few that are brave enough to speak out.
You know you are achieving success with your treatments when frequent trips to doctors wane into occasional annual visits for routine check ups.
Light therapy is associated with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) which brings on depression symptoms in some people during wintertime and in others during summertime, called “Reverse SAD”. The treatment requires shining a really bright light (10,000 lux
The continuous all year long fatigue and depression is what separates Bright Light Adaptation Disease (BLAD) from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
I was surprised when I started to use light therapy in summertime 2020 that I had seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and was responding to the treatment.
While most people turn to coffee for their daytime energy, using a Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) therapy light for fifteen minutes can have similar energy effects.
It is sad that you pick a partner, have kids and then watch the person you planned to spend the rest of your life with fall apart.