Act with God's compassion, mercy and forgiveness in mind and you will always be right. Act with revenge in your heart and you will always be wrong.
Every day of healing will be like battling a ghost in your head. They never leave you alone, until you can forgive.
You can forgive someone and still think they are an asshole. Forgiveness doesn't change what a person is, it only changes you.
Kindness is as simple as being grateful for the love anyone has shown you, by not destroying them because it isn't on your terms.
You will finally have dignity when you realize that you are not on the path, but have become the path for others.
Chasing a person doesn’t give you value or build values in you. You earn your value by chasing morality and practicing dignity.
It is not the hand that rocks the cradle that rules the world; it is the woman that holds the keys to the kingdom.
Before you call yourself a Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu or any other theology, learn to be human first.
Happiness is something that you establish before a relationship. It is not the relationship that establishes it first.
When someone you love makes compassion, kindness, forgiveness, respect and God an option, you can be sure they have made you an option, as well.
Every journey taken always includes the path not taken, the detour through hell, the crossroads of indecision and the long way home.
If you haven't cried at least once while writing a chapter of your inspirational book, then you have to ask yourself if your're writing fiction.
Dignity will only happen when you realize that having someone in your life doesn’t validate your worth.
Insanity is everyone expecting you not to fall apart when you find out everything you believed in was a lie.
Many of the most powerful things in life are not tangible. All it takes is for you to close your eyes to see.
In the end, what will you fight for what got there first, what got there last or what has been there all along?
Delusions are hardly an escape from reality. It’s a way of understanding insane people living in a backwards world.
Sometimes the bridges you burn light the way out of your darkness, but the memory of the blaze will be burned into your heart and mind forever.
Sometimes the simplest solution out of conflict is becoming someone’s friend, instead of saying goodbye forever.
Words don’t have the power to hurt you, unless that person meant more to you than you are willing to confess.
If you don’t know what you value in life, then you won’t be able to make any meaningful decisions you can live with in the future.
People that don't know what they are worth will always see their capture's wings, but never their tail.
To love someone with all of your heart requires reaching them where they are with the only words they can understand.
Confidence is knowing who you are and not changing it a bit because of someone’s version of reality is not your reality.
Courage doesn’t happen when you have all the answers. It happens when you are ready to face the questions you have been avoiding your whole life.
One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself.
The true definition of mental illness is when the majority of your time is spent in the past or future, but rarely living in the realism of NOW.
Your actions will always be what the world sees, but people who choose to see through God's eyes will always have the compassion to understand why.
Communication is the one class no one graduates from. Even the wisest man's words will be misinterpreted by a fool.
You can’t selectively numb your anger, any more than you can turn off all lights in a room, and still expect to see the light.
It is not until you change your identity to match your life blueprint that you will understand why everything in the past never worked.
The most intriguing people you will encounter in this life are the people who had insights about you, that you didn't know about yourself.
When you think this pain is all you deserve, you are right. You are the only one that can decide how long you will walk in hell.
Imagine living with a scream inside you and that scream is yours. Now imagine no one hears it. That is what grief is.
Beauty is not who you are on the outside, it is the wisdom and time you gave away to save another struggling soul like you.
The most confused you will ever get is when you try to convince your heart and spirit of something your mind knows is a lie.
When you loved someone and had to let them go, there will always be that small part of yourself that whispers, "What was it that you wanted and why didn't you fight for it?
There comes a time in your life when you have to choose to turn the page, write another book or simply close it.
If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your heart, then you're allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind.
One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself