Meaning of the quote: First thing every morning before you arise say out loud, ‘I believe,’ three times

First thing every morning before you arise say out loud, ‘I believe,’ three times.


Imagine this: you wake up, the world is still blurry around you, and before you even fully emerge from your slumber, you declare, "I believe," three times. Intriguing, isn't it? This is the essence of a quote attributed to the Roman poet Ovid "First thing every morning before you arise say out loud, ‘I believe,’ three times." While the historical accuracy of this quote is debated, the message it conveys is powerful. Let's delve deeper into the potential impact of such a morning ritual and explore the psychology behind affirmation.

First thing every morning before you arise say out loud, ‘I believe,’ three times meaning 

Ovid's quote taps into the fundamental human need for belief. Belief in ourselves, our abilities, and the possibilities that lie ahead serves as a potent fuel for our daily endeavors. Saying "I believe" three times can be a deliberate act of self-affirmation, setting the tone for the day with a dose of confidence. Repeating it three times amplifies the message, driving it deeper into the subconscious and reinforcing the conviction.

Your morning can start by positive energy or negative energy that is dependent on what you say first word - Source: Internet

Believe positive thoughts, believe your bright life

Modern psychology reinforces the idea behind affirmations. Studies suggest that positive self-talk can have a significant impact on our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Repeating positive statements like "I believe" can help counter negative self-beliefs and cultivate a more optimistic outlook. This optimism can lead to increased motivation, improved problem-solving skills, and better stress management.

The positive thought you believe that make a bright life - Source: Internet

The power of words you think and you say

However, the impact of this ritual goes beyond just saying the words. The act itself carries meaning. Taking a moment each morning to consciously declare your belief is a deliberate act of self-investment. It shows you're committed to approaching the day with a positive mindset. Here's how Ovid's quote can be interpreted from different perspectives:

  • Belief in Yourself: You can personalize your "I believe" statement. "I believe in my abilities," "I believe I can achieve my goals," or "I believe I am worthy" are powerful affirmations that can empower you to face challenges with greater confidence.

  • Belief in Possibilities: Saying "I believe" can be a declaration of faith in the potential of the day ahead. It signifies an openness to new opportunities and a belief that good things can happen.

  • Belief in Something Greater: This ritual can also hold deeper meaning for those with religious or spiritual beliefs. "I believe" can be an affirmation of faith in a higher power, a source of strength and guidance.

Putting it into practice: making your morning ritual work for you

So, how can you incorporate Ovid's quote into your morning routine? Here are some tips:

  • Find Your "I Believe" Statement: What do you need to believe in the most? Choose an affirmation that resonates with you.

  • Make it a Habit: Set an alarm or leave a note on your mirror as a reminder to say your affirmation.

  • Mean It: Don't go through the motions. Focus on the feeling behind the words and truly believe in what you're saying.

  • Pair it with Action: Belief needs action to flourish. Combine your affirmation with setting goals or visualizing your success for maximum impact.

Believe that small steps, big impact

Ovid's quote, whether historically accurate or not, offers a simple yet powerful suggestion. By starting your day with a declaration of belief, you're taking a proactive step towards a more positive and empowered life. It's a small change with the potential for big impact. So, the next time you wake up, take a moment, close your eyes, and say it three times: "I believe." You might be surprised by the difference it makes.

Belief plays a role for a life and every morning is a time for beginning a brand new that creates from your word and your thought. If your morning starts by a positive energy and positive word you say, the day will make you great.


Meaning of the quote: Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today

Meaning of the quote: Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today

"Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today." This quote, while succinct, encapsulates a profound truth about the human experience and our relationship with happiness. It emphasizes the importance of self-determination, the power of mindset, and the agency each individual possesses over their emotional well-being.
