Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice quote meaning

A Story of Decision and Destiny: Emily's Crossroads

Emily was a young woman with a passion for art. From an early age, she loved drawing, painting, and creating beautiful things. Growing up in a small town, her family was supportive but often worried about her future. Her parents were practical people who believed in steady jobs and financial security. They often told Emily that pursuing a career in art might not be the wisest choice. Instead, they encouraged her to think about something more "sensible," like becoming a teacher or a nurse.

When Emily graduated high school, she found herself at a crossroads. On one hand, she had been accepted into a well-known art school in a distant city, a dream come true. On the other hand, she had also been offered a scholarship to a local university to study education. It seemed like everyone had an opinion on what she should do. Her friends told her to follow her passion, while her parents urged her to think practically and choose a safer path. Conflicted and unsure, Emily found it difficult to make a decision.

One evening, she took a long walk to clear her mind. As she wandered through the familiar streets of her hometown, she found herself at the local park where she had spent so many afternoons as a child, sketching the trees and the lake. Sitting on a bench, she watched the sun set over the water, casting a warm glow over everything. It was then that an elderly woman sat down beside her. The woman was a stranger, but her eyes were kind and she seemed to notice the worry on Emily’s face.

“What’s on your mind, dear?” the woman asked. Emily hesitated for a moment but then opened up, sharing her dilemma about choosing between her passion for art and the sensible career path her parents wanted for her. The woman listened patiently and then smiled. “Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice,” she said softly. “You have to choose what will make you happy and fulfilled. No one else can make that choice for you.”

The woman’s words struck a chord with Emily. She realized that she had been so focused on what others thought was best for her that she hadn’t stopped to think about what she truly wanted. She understood now that her destiny was not something that would happen by chance or be decided by others it was up to her to choose. She had the power to shape her own future.

Destiny was not something that would happen by chance or be decided by others. Source: Internet

Destiny was not something that would happen by chance or be decided by others. Source: Internet

That night, Emily made a decision. She would go to art school. She knew it wouldn't be easy, and there were no guarantees of success, but she was willing to take that risk for something she loved. She gathered her courage and told her parents about her choice. While they were initially concerned, they saw the determination in her eyes and ultimately supported her decision. They realized that this was her journey to make, and they wanted her to be happy.

Years later, Emily became a successful artist. She opened her own studio and held exhibitions of her work, gaining recognition and fulfilling her dream. She often thought back to that moment in the park and the stranger’s wise words. She realized that her success was not a matter of chance but a result of her choice to pursue her passion despite the uncertainty. She had chosen her destiny and made it a reality.

Explaining the Meaning of the Quote

The quote "Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice" by Frank Herbert emphasizes the idea that our future is not determined by random events or fate, but by the decisions we make. It suggests that each person has the power to shape their own destiny through the choices they make every day. Rather than waiting for life to happen to us, we should take an active role in deciding the direction we want our lives to go.

This quote challenges the notion that our lives are predetermined or controlled by external forces beyond our control. While circumstances and luck can play a role in shaping our experiences, it is ultimately our choices that determine the course of our lives. It encourages us to take responsibility for our actions and decisions, recognizing that we have the power to create our own future.

By framing destiny as a matter of choice, Frank Herbert is urging us to be mindful and intentional in our decisions. Instead of leaving things to chance or going with the flow, we should think carefully about what we want to achieve and take deliberate steps to get there. It’s about being proactive, setting goals, and making choices that align with our values and aspirations.

Our future is not determined by random events or fate, but by the decisions we make. Source: Internet

Our future is not determined by random events or fate, but by the decisions we make. Source: Internet

The Lesson Learned from This Quote

From Frank Herbert’s quote, "Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice," I learned the importance of taking control of my own life and making decisions that reflect my true desires. This quote taught me that my future is not something that will happen by accident or luck; it is something that I have the power to shape through the choices I make each day.

The lesson here is clear: we must not wait for life to happen to us or rely on chance to determine our path. Instead, we should take an active role in deciding what we want and making it happen. It’s easy to get caught up in the expectations of others or to let fear of the unknown hold us back, but this quote reminds us that our destiny is in our own hands. By being intentional and making choices that align with our values and passions, we can create a future that is truly our own.

This quote has inspired me to be more mindful of my decisions and to take ownership of my life. It has taught me to be bold in pursuing my dreams and to remember that I am the author of my own story. By choosing my path, I can live a life that is not only successful but also deeply fulfilling.


Life can be pulled by goals just as surely as it can be pushed by drives quote meaning

Life can be pulled by goals just as surely as it can be pushed by drives quote meaning

The quote "Life can be pulled by goals just as surely as it can be pushed by drives" by Viktor E. Frankl speaks to the dual forces that motivate human action. On one hand, we have “drives,” which are internal forces or desires that push us forward. These can include the drive for success, recognition, security, or even the basic need to survive. Drives are essential for motivation, but they often lead to movement without direction if not guided by a higher purpose or goal.

Time flies, and what is past is done quote meaning

Time flies, and what is past is done quote meaning

The quote "Time flies, and what is past is done" by St. Jerome serves as a poignant reminder of the fleeting nature of time. It emphasizes the idea that time moves quickly and once a moment has passed, it cannot be reclaimed. The past is unchangeable what's done is done, and there is no way to go back and rewrite it.

True friendship ought never to conceal what it thinks quote meaning

True friendship ought never to conceal what it thinks quote meaning

The quote "True friendship ought never to conceal what it thinks" by St. Jerome emphasizes the importance of honesty in a genuine friendship. It suggests that friends should be open and truthful with each other, even when the truth might be difficult to hear. Concealing thoughts or feelings, especially to spare someone’s emotions, can lead to misunderstandings and ultimately harm the relationship. True friends value each other’s growth and well-being above the temporary discomfort that honesty might bring.
