Make your life a safe haven in which only people that have the capacity to care and listen and connect are allowed. You are not responsible for saving people.
Liffe contracts before it expands, and pulls back before it leaps forward. This balancing act is not something we should resist, but rather, embrace
To trust yourself means that you are no longer content to lodge your soul in the circumstances that have long stopped serving you.
I hope you learn how to gently dust yourself off and begin again, because life is too short to stay stagnant, life is too full to only drink a quarter of the glass.
The next time you realize your heart is still white - hot with anger and grief, I hope you will simply allow yourself to feel that without pressuring yourself to be more at peace
The point was never that you adjusted everything around you until it was made perfect, but that you adjusted the way you see everything until you realize that it is enough.