Trade in our cynical hopelessness for cynical hopefulness. If we must be cynical, choose hopeful over hopeless.
Don't let a discourager's negativity creep into your thought. Remember, they are looking for the worst possible outcomes.
Encouragement makes us believe we can move forward, but it also gives us the power to help others move forward.
We hurt no one when we encourage them to keep on keeping on, to not give up, to recognize how far they've come.
Rebooting our enthusiasm is like deciding to become our own best coach, rather than our own worst enemy.
Folks who scream the loudest get heard, and those who spew the most negative, most repeatedly, get falsely perceived as telling the truth.
Great attitudes are not easy to come by. What’s even more annoying is the simple fact that we can’t blame a bad attitude on genetics.
Both enthusiasm and misery are extremely contagious. The choice is yours as to how you will infect your world.
What is most frustrating about a discourager? They often tend to erroneously think they are encouragers.
Whether we are happy or sad, grateful or resentful, positive or negative, we are equally precious and deserving.
There is tremendous trauma in the betrayal caused by a perpetual liar as they repeatedly commit psychological abuse.
It takes a strong woman to tolerate a weak man. That said, it takes a strong man to tolerate a weak woman, too.